Rochester is Now Home to a New Electric Vehicle Fast Charger

You might have missed it, but Rochester is now home to a new DC Fast charger for electric vehicles (since August, actually).

ZEF Energy, who installed and manages the chargers, was awarded grant funding from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to install fast charging stations around Minnesota to support electric vehicle travel.

Rochester has had a Tesla Supercharger for some time, but lacked a fast charging option for other EVs until now. This is great news for EV owners traveling to Rochester or through Rochester.

Since starting Rochester Electric Vehicles in 2019, I have been contacted by visiting EV owners going to the Mayo Clinic, visiting family, etc. and wondering what charging options were available outside of the various Level 2 chargers. While these options are practical if you plan to be in one area for multiple hours, they become less helpful for shorts stops.

How Do You Charge An Electric Car?

When we decided to get our first electric vehicle, there was one thing that was causing me a bit of anxiety...I didn’t know how to actually charge an EV. I had seen the charging stations and cars using the chargers, but without any experience myself I was worried I’d do it wrong and blow myself up.

After having an EV for a couple of years, that thought seems silly now. I’m guessing others have felt the same way so today I want to bring things back to the basics and share what to know for charging an electric car.

The Road Here: Rochester Electric Vehicles

Fall of 2017, probably in the middle of the night, was when I realized I needed to make a change. Our daughter Cece (also responds to The Cecemeister) was recently born and we found 2 things to be true 1) Half of your time during this period is spent calming the kid down or trying to get them to sleep and 2) you can get absolutely nothing productive done while holding them. All you can really do is read an endless supply of terrible Buzzfeed articles and quizzes. Eventually after finishing the quizzes telling you that you would have been in Hufflepuff, you stumble across some actual news.